The Pixiwoo are perhaps the most famous youtube's Mua..and they're amazing and when Sam announced the upcoming release of her own line of makeup brushes, I decided to wait to buy them ( I was in the middle of a brushes' fever...I don't know if it also happens to you, but as soon as we became passionate about something it seems everything is if without primer, brushes and similar, it seems almost impossible to achieve a decent make up.. ;p )
Alcuni amici sapendo di questo mio pallino, m hanno regalato i 3 brush set:
Some friends knowing my wish, they gave me the 3 brush set:
-Starter Set: da un primo sguardo si capisce al volo che non sono un granchè come pennelli da occhi, soprattutto quello da eyeliner( davvero improponibile), ed il crease che neanche loro( le pixiwoo) riescono ad usare nella piega dell'occhio perchè super cicciottoso..gli altri sono utilizzabili e alquanto morbidi ma davvero niente di che...lascio parlare le immagini.
-Starter Set: you can tell at a glance that they're not so good for the eyes, especially the eyeliner one( really impossible to use for a thin line) and the crease brush , that even they( the pixiwoo) are able to use in the crease, because it's super thick...the others are quite soft and usable, anyway not a big deal..the picture speak for..
A confronto con eyeliner elf e crease brush essence
eyeliner !?ma ne siamo sicure!?
-Core Collection: it's a quite good face brush set...
The buffing brush is a very soft and handy brush for both fine powder and liquid foundations, il contour brush has a wonderful shape for the contouring and it's so soft too..the worst is the foundation brush, 'cause it's very small and you spend a lifetime to apply liquind foundation,it's more indicated for concealing and its pointed shape is perfect for areas like the sides of the nose, while the detailer brush is great for any details like concealing or lipstick.
A confronto con pennelli elf powder, foundation e concelear brush
-Travel Essentials: perhaps the best set, the brushes are really good and soft and actually used for waht they're called to do..
Confronto con powder brush catrice e foundation brush elf
Per quanto riguarda stile e morbidezza siamo sul 8/10(quelli da occhi sono piu duri) ma i buoni ed utilizzabili sono dawero pochi ( alias buffing, contouring, multitask, brow brush) quindi vi sconsiglio l'acquisto dei set, meglio i singoli forse!? O.ò
My conclusion: the sets are not that great, the eyes one should be avoided ( the individual brushes have good reviews on internet, I hope to test them too, and I will let you know)..But I really expected something better by samantha, I understand that they wanted to meet the needs of the lower-middle class( although perhaps too expensive in Europe), I admire and appreciate the fact that they're synthetic, but elf makes it better..and then she also uses the super thin eyeliner from Louise Young, how can you propose that thick eyeliner?!
As far as we are on the style and softness I like them (8/10), the eyes set are hardest, The usable good brushes are a few ( buffing,contour, multitask, brow brush) so I do not recommend the purchase, maybe are the individuals better?! O.ò
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